7917_ AW _ 14th conference

14th Annual Conference – Thanks Liny!


In the heart of Toronto, I, Liny Antwi, had the honor of contributing to the orchestration of the 14th Annual Marcopoline Conference – a celebration echoing the triumphs of a global enterprise. Witnessing this international company choose our vibrant city to commemorate their achievements and monumental milestones was nothing short of awe-inspiring.


Marcopoline, an embodiment of excellence, showcased a culture that left us in awe and, dare I say, a tad envious. They say the measure of a company’s greatness lies in how it cares for its partners and team, and Marcopoline shines as a beacon of this truth. The celebration unfolded as a testament to their unwavering commitment to their team – a gesture that radiated unity and camaraderie.


In the midst of it all, I had the privilege of collaborating with the remarkable Sophie Cappa – an individual whose drive and passion transcend the ordinary. Her dedication to the partners, the team, and the company as a whole painted a vivid picture of Marcopoline not merely as a corporation but as a tight-knit family.


Marcopoline doesn’t just set benchmarks in the business world; it fosters a sense of belonging and kinship. It’s more than a company; it’s a family to many, and witnessing their celebration was a poignant reminder that greatness, when combined with genuine care, creates a culture that goes beyond the boardroom – a culture that Marcopoline embodies with grace and distinction