MPL_Transport Logistic_Munich_2019_1


It has been an amazing experience again, with the participation of our VIP members to represent their companies. A special thanks to Matteo and Cristian from Care Insurance, Barbara from Cargowise, juan and Julen from Across Logistics, Sofiane and Ennrick from DLS, Johnny from AGL Cargo, Jereemy from Glink and Jonas from Lueders and Stange.

A lot of MPL members came to visit us on-site, and our usual friendly atmosphere came up again! We shared our experiences, business, and beers on our stand, warmly welcoming our visitors, who have been so many during those FOUR days! Time flew so fast, and a long queue of people patiently waited to speak to us.

Last but not least, we had the pleasure to welcome Italian students for the second time. They study logistics and their school organized their visit to learn more about freight forwarders like us. Sofiane, the owner of DLS in France shared his starting from his beginning in the industry in the English language, while Matteo and Cristian, our partners from Care Insurance Broker explained how insurance work in our field. Our MPL Chairman Robert Dreelan explained his experience as a Freight Forwarder and as the owner of our Network.

We thank all our Members and Partners for their visit on-site, it has been so exciting to meet you again, and we look forward to seeing you in Toronto for our 14th Annual Conference!


Dear Sophie,

I can only speak partly for the MPL booth but in the end the experiences will mostly be the same I guess, so here I go:

“The transportlogistics in Munich once again proofed that it is one of the biggest and most important fairs we have on this globe. Like on the Intermodal in Brasil exhibitors and visitor where keen on meeting people of their industry in person. According to the statistics more than 75.000 visitors from more than 120 countries came to see the 2.320 exhibitors coming from 67 countries. That is a record and underlines the importance not only of that fair but of how important it is for people to meet people! (More than 10.000 visitors more than 2019! If I only could do the maths I could tell you how many percent that is more. J)

That is what we did, we met a lot of people we knew and new faces too. Fantastic (and exhausting). Thanks to the great organization of Sophie and the MPL Team we had a place (booth) where the exhibitors of MPL could make their point! It was also important and brilliant to spend time with our fellow members on and off the fair to get closer and strengthen our bond in MPL.

Lüders & Stange was represented by Jonas Conrad and me (Pay-Andres Lüders). We also took part on the booth of the Port of Luebeck where we not only could serve our logistic expertise but also some nice cocktails to guests, partners and… who knows future clients?

 A big shout out again to Sophie and Robert who took care of the wellbeing of all of us! I am pretty sure that everyone who nowadays has the chance to visit a fair will experience the same urge to talk face to face! I am very happy and proud that MPL also represents our company and we represent MPL on the other hand. Lets make sure that we see us all in best health in Toronto.


’ It’s been fantastic seeing everyone’s engagement during the exhibition, especially after COVID19. It confirms the importance of human relationship and commitment to our customers, partners and friends. Thanks everyone for make the event a success and a special occasion to enjoy the logistics journey” barbs from Cargowise 


Cargowise – Barbara Mariani

I will once again express that in every business event, and of course not only, we recognize what a great asset is to partner with the MarcoPoloLine group. 

In transport logistics, ECU, as your awarded global service provider, we had the advantage of being visible also on your booth which led to further bonding with the members we support and showed the trust in our services.  Sophie, you are the heart of this group, and with your hospitality, you proved once again that building relationships matters.

ECU WORLDWIDE – Smaragda Mexi

The 2023 Transport Logistic exhibition has been a huge success for us at Care as well. Taking advantage of the MPL booth, being VIP members, provided us with the ideal platform to meet existing customers, both members and not, and new prospects. It has been the base camp from which we have been able to explore this most interesting exhibition, where all key players are in attendance. We value the possibility of remaining constantly updated on the industry’s trends and the Munich exhibition is the right place to be. However, the nicest thing of them all was to share some valuable time, both on site and off site in the city at the night, with MPL’s team and the attending members. A great occasion to meet again in person, develop both business and leisure together and getting to know new partners, by letting them know not just our insurance services and skills but also our dedication to the network and its events, wherever these may be across the world.

Care Insurance – Matteo Giulio Albertini